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"Golden his halo. Lethal his heart. Shared the shroud" Roman stared

"Whose fate is this?"

"Lesser in the eyes of all and greater in yours" He looked at his friend

"Patton I'm so sorry!" Everyone wishes to know their future. Until they know it. 

"Why did you ask her? I could have remained naive!" Patton ran back to his home with Roman calling after him. Golden his halo. Quiet his heart. Shared his shroud. Wait. His?

"Patton! Patton what happened?" He looked up as Thomas entered his room

"She told my prophecy. My soulmate will be a boy" Thomas went silent 

"Why does that upset you?"

"He's going to die" Another voice cut in

"Everyone dies. Immortality doesn't exist" Patton looked up to see a boy outside his window. He had rich dark eyes and milk chocolate hair. "Also prophecies only come true if you help them. I'm Logan." Patton looked at him

"How can you say that?" Logan rolled his eyes

"The fact he's going to die doesn't mean he won't die naturally of old age" 

"Thank you" Patton went out to join him and extended a hand as the sun shone down on them. They listened to the cheers of the tournament. "Do you want to go watch?" Logan shook his head

"Not really"

"Me neither" They laughed. The Prophecy Teller smiled.

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