Ashes + Alms part1

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"Where is my boyfriend? Where's Logan?!" Patton shook her until she screamed in his face.

"HE POISONED HIMSELF!" Harmony Lovett breathed quickly "I tried to stop him, he wouldn't listen to me" Patton sank to the ground 

"How...?" He felt her hand on his shoulder.

"It was after they transported you. you couldn'ta stopped it" She breathed "Well Beadle called on him all polite. Poor thing. Poor thing. The judge he told him was all contrite, he wanted so much to set things right, he must come straight to his house tonight, poor thing. poor thing" Harmony breathed shakily "Of course when he goes there poor dear poor thing, they're having this ball all in masks. There's no one he knows there poor dear poor thing, he wanders tormented and drinks poor thing. the judge has repented he thinks poor thing, oh where is judge Turpin he asks" She took a gulp of ale "He was there all right. Only not so contrite... He wasn't prepared for such craft you see, was only a love stricken fool. they figured he'd have to be daft you see, so all of them stood there and laughed you see. poor soul! poor thing!" She whispered "They took Virgil the next day. Adopted him almost" Patton snapped

"I've sweated fifteen years and I'll sweat fifteen more... and I will get them."

"You'll need a place to stay" Patton Todd entered.

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