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"Patton what're you doing?" Logan frowned when Patton peered over the top of his book

"Surprise kiddo! I got you that series you like!" The full collection of Sherlock Holmes was piled next to his feet when Logan looked down.

"Wow. Patton thank you that's... very thoughtful" He sifted through the pile and grinned "I don't know how I'll find the time to read all of this" Logan didn't notice Patton's face fall slightly when he added "Would you like to read them with me Watson?" Watson. "I thought friends had nicknames for each other" Apparently he did see the other's face fall. Patton fixed a smile on his face and nodded

"Yep, I'm just a little tired today, Coco had a nightmare so I didn't sleep much" He watched Logan flash a sympathetic smile and shrugged "Do you wanna get coffee at this new place? It's called Kitty's Coaster it's meant to be really good!"

"Kitty's Coaster?" Logan blinked for a second "Patton I've heard it's expensive, aren't you paying on pub night this Wednesday?" He dug out his wallet "I suppose if I payed for this Wednesday it shouldn't set you back too much" Logan smiled "This will be my treat" He didn't hear Patton's scream of frustration as he left.

"Patton?" Logan waved a hand in front of his friend's face to get him back from his daydream. 

"Yeah?" Patton looked up and smiled at Logan's eyes.

"Why're you doing all this?" In the past three days Patton had taken him out for coffee, supported him at his concert, helped drive his nephew Thomas to his new flat and helped him dog sit his non binary godchild's new puppy. Patton sighed

"I kind of like you" Thud. "Logan?"

"Roman, it's hardly that hilarious" Logan glared at his (future) brother in law as he tried to stop laughing. 

"You...! You fainted! Dear fairy godmother that is tops!" Roman grinned.

"Tops? Let me add that to my cards" Logan smiled when his fiancé stopped him and kissed his cheek.

"Later Einstein, let's just chill now" Patton grinned and held him closer to nip his ear "Awe look at you! all flustered and cute!" He kissed his cheek again as Virgil went over to his foster son and pulled him aside

"Thomas buddy, you need to stop trying so hard with Jon" He looked over at Logan and Patton and smiled slightly "He'll prefer the relaxed you. Trust me"

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