When he sees me

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"Lo, calm down" 

"A blind date? You set me up on a blind date? In what world is that logical?!" Logan kept pacing as Virgil tried to calm his brother down

"It's not completely blind, he's a friend of Roman's"

"I've still never met him! I don't like this I'm going to back out I know it I just..." Virgil gripped his shoulders 

"Breathe. In hold and out. Keep going, you're doing great. Now what're you scared of?" Logan sighed

"What if it's like the other times? What if when he sees me... what if he doesn't like it?" 

Patton sighed

"What if he runs the other way? I can't hide from it" He added "What if when he knows me he's just... disappointed? What if I give myself away?"

Logan looked down 

"To only get it given back" Virgil pulled him into a hug as he whispered "I can't live with that"

"Shhh, you have to go out at some point"

"I'm fine inside my shell shaped mind! at least that way I get the perfect view. That way when he sees me..."

"I want him to" Roman tried to word it 

"Patton don't you think you're being just a little... I mean don't you think that's a bit..." 

"I'm just being cautious!" Patton added "I can't risk reckless dating...."

"Due to my miscalculating..." Logan stared into space a little while smiling "While a certain suitor stands in line. I've seen in movies..." He admitted sheepishly "Mostly made for televisions." Snapping back to reality he explained "You can not be too careful!"

Patton grinned dreamily 

"When it comes to sharing your love" His eyes widened "He could be criminal! Some sort of psycho escaped from an institution where that's their whole world." Roman snorted

"He could've masterminded some way to find you!"

Logan groaned

"He could be colourblind!" Virgil rolled his eyes

"How untrustworthy is that?" Logan remembered past dates and rubbed his arm 

"He could be less than kind"

"Or even worse!" Patton sighed "He could be very nice."

"Have lovely eyes."

"And make me laugh" 

Virgil and Roman smiled at the question 

"What do I do with that?"

They were in the car to the restaurant now as Logan ran a hand through his hair

"Oh God what if when he sees me?"

Patton bit his lip

"I like him, and he knows it?"

"What if he opens up a door and I can't close it?" Logan turned to Virgil before he got out "What happens then?"

"If when he holds me..." Patton stopped at the sight of his date coming nearer. Dark chocolate hair combed back and soft grey/hazel eyes (they look different in this ok?) "My heart is set in motion"

"I'm not prepared for that, I'm scared of breaking open, still I can't help hoping..." Logan swallowed at the silhouette of the tall milk chocolate haired man with nervous brown eyes. "For someone to talk to." They walked to meet each other

"Who likes the way I am..."


Logan smiled

"Now I've seen you..." Patton held his hands

"I want to again" He kissed his cheek so Logan blushed and slipped him something. He checked in the car.

01956 7689 - Call me?

"Hi Patton"

"Hey. I got your note." Logan bit his lip

"So what now?"

"Well... are you free on Friday?"

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