Looking Back

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"Logan, could you stop? Please?" Logan looked at him and glared slightly

"You out of everyone should know why I hate this room" Virgil frowned

"Why do you have these photos?" Logan sank out after answering 

"There's your evidence" Thomas frowned after he left

"What was that all about?" Patton gestured around at the pictures of him and Logan, Logan with a blindfold on and a huge gift on the bed, Patton drawing then sneaking up behind him for a kiss. Virgil flared up furiously while asking 

"Why's he crying in this one?"

"That's when I made the biggest mistake of my life in this stupid room" Roman looked up

"You broke his heart" Patton swallowed and prepared for the onslaught

"I broke up with him" Thomas stared

"What? why? you guys looked so happy!"  

"Exactly, I was so focused on him I let things with you slide. That's why you didn't tell Jon how you felt until it was too late" He blinked back tears "I told him i had to make you priority for a while and maybe we should take a break from the twenty four seven affection so I could concentrate on you" He let out a sob "I told him that lie!" Virgil walked over and hugged him soothingly 

"What's the truth?" Patton swallowed

"I got scared that Thomas would get his heart broken and Logan would... he would..." Roman explained

"If they were together and your heart broke the heart's partner would have died" Logan rose back in

"Patton" Patton looked over as Logan walked to him "You really are an idiot if you can't see it." He explained "I'd rather die with you than live without you" He looked down "Do you suppose we could reattempt?" Patton smiled

"I dont deserve you." He wrapped him in a hug "I'm not letting go this time!" Logan rubbed his back 

"I know. I trust you" He opened Patton's hand when they pulled away. "I never stopped trusting you with this" Patton looked down at his palm and smiled. A light blue heart. "Don't give it back"

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