Just Me

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They scratched at Patton's window trying to get in, clawing at the locks through the glass. He didn't know where Verge and Ro were and he hadn't seen Logan since Thomas and Jon rose back up. Logan's little brother had been his world, he hadn't been able to take it when Thomas and his boyfriend both ran at him with their new fangs. Patton begged every night for him to be alive. He was begging right now as he hid in the storage room under the stairs. His whole house was surrounded by vamps. The shrieks went silent for a moment and then... BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Four successive thuds and then a screech joined by the others surrounding Patton's house. He frowned at the sound of each one falling dead silent. The lock was picked as he grabbed his gun. The door handle turned as he stepped out and aimed with his whole body shaking. They came around the corner and yelled with a fangless mouth

"Patton no please!" Logan walked forward to hold him "It's just me." Patton stared and hugged his Lifeline whispering

"I thought they'd...." Logan kissed him gently

"I'd never let them get me when I have you to come back to" He grabbed his hand "We have to get to the shelter, you have to come with me and trust me" Patton kissed him

"I always will" They reloaded their guns and stepped outside

"Ready?" They ran.

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