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"ROMAN!" Roman moved off of the sofa sighing 

"What Logan?"

"Why... am I... A KID?!" Virgil rolled his eyes

"You left a potion lying around didn't you?"


"Ugh you said you'd stopped doing that" Roman made his excuses as they went to see Logan. He stopped in the door

"Aye aye aye! I - I don't think it's that bad"

"Oh yeah it's not that bad he's totally an adult unless YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR!" Logan's reflection was half his height with braces, thicker glasses and a Big Hero Six t-shirt and trainers while his trousers were blue circuit pattern and his hair...

"Dear sweet mother of hairbrushes what is his hair?!" The reflection stepped out and took Logan's hand so they fused into one as Patton came in.

"Kiddos what's going on I heard... oh god Roman you left a potion lying around didn't you?" Roman sighed

"Luckily this only lasts for twelve hours or less since I can just go to my kingdom, slay the rare sorceress dragon and bring her blood back in a vial and put it in some cocoa. However it will make you like the sorceress at least for a while" Patton frowned


"He'll be loose tongued" Virgil leaned up to Romans ear

"Here's why you should do that quickly..." Roman pulled back 

"You are evil!"

"And I'll stay evil until you get back with that vial and make Logan his normal age again" Roman unsheathed his sword

"I shall be back soon my chemically inbalanced romance!" Virgil blushed and left Patton to care for Logan. 

"They like each other." Patton turned

"How can you tell?" Logan grinned childishly 

"Their eyes were dilated when they looked at each other and Virgil's perfume smelt stronger and he puts it on his pulse points so they were more active, also considering they're friends the contact was a little more intimate than with the average friendship, neither one broke it off so they like each other" He reverted back from Sherlock mode to sigh.

"What's wrong?" Logan rolled his eyes like a kid

"I'm bored" Patton got up

"Well since these are all grown up Logan's books I'll put something on" He switched on Sherlock Holmes as Logan pulled out a notebook and started writing in between episodes "What're you doing?" Logan tried to hide the notebook "Kiddo if you're playing cupid just be careful you don't hurt anyone's feelings" Logan sighed down at his notes then lit up "Patton, i need help with something"

"What is that kiddo?"

"I need to send Virgil and a Nightmare to Roman" He hid the bespectacled drawing from sight as Patton stared

"Kiddo that's very dangerous..."

"Only Anxiety can fight Nightmares and we'll still need back up"

"Logan what're you saying?" Logan bit his lip

"I think the sorceress dragon can summon them" Patton went into full on dad mode, summoning the Nightmare which was in a vial for now and teleporting themselves and Virgil to Roman's kingdom. Virgil looked around

"Huh? What's going on?" They heard a shout so he paled and ran to it "Princey!"

"Princey!" Roman turned round from his fight 

"Virgil? Why're you here?" He lunged his sword and dodged a bite without looking

"I heard you yell!"

"Nothing to worry about Hot Topic. I could do this in my sleep!" Virgil rolled his eyes and paled when the head dived for him... to end up on the ground. "Nothing's touching you dear emo!" Roman surfed down the scales and opened a vein to catch the sorceress dragon's blood. Logan smashed the nightmare vial and hid the glass

"Roman! Nightmare!" It was a tame one which he'd made sure of. It changed from random person to another... kissing Virgil. Roman threw his sword and killed it before reaching Logan with the dragon blood.

"Princey what...?" Watching Logan drink the vial and retch he turned back to Virgil

"I believe I should explain"

Patton watched as Logan's body elongated painfully so he cried out. Rushing over Patton held him as his eyes rolled around and his voice kept changing pitch. Logan giggled when it stopped as if he was under gas, looking at Virgil and Roman talking, watching their eyes as he spoke.

"I knew it would work. If only i could play cupid with me and..."

"You and?" He giggled before passing out


"Logan do you remember what you said?" Logan groaned and sat up

"I remember... seeing a kid in the mirror... Roman going somewhere and... a nightmare" Patton told him everything

"And then you said you wished you could play cupid with us" Logan sighed

"I understand if this is awkward due to my feelings not being reciprocated" Patton rolled his eyes and moved closer

"Who said they weren't?" He pulled Logan forward and searched his eyes before kissing him and answering the unspoken question "Of course they are"

Virgil pulled back from the kiss and twisted Roman's sash around one finger

"My Prince"

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