Little Shock

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Everyone was arguing and Patton couldn't take it.

"Stop arguing!" They ignored him as Logan walked over

"Patton are you ok?"

"Stop being mean to each other!" He started fiddling and sucked his thumb, acting like... Logan caught on quickly and soothed him 

"They're just bad jokes Patty, they're leaving now" He looked at Roman and Virgil "Aren't you?" They took the hint and sank down as Logan summoned a Dr Seuss book and began reading it to Patton. He pulled his thumb out of his mouth and went to the fridge while still reading, getting out an iced lolly for Patton to suck on instead. He picked out a dog pattern napkin and took them both back to the mind. 

"D'you want the napkin now?" Patton nodded and wiped his hands, curling into him and listening to Logan read until he tugged on his sleeve

"I'm tired" Logan smiled

"All right then let's get you to bed sleepyhead" He helped Patton to his room and into pyjamas to sleep, staying in the chair beside his bed until he woke up. He kissed Patton's forehead "Sleep well"

Patton woke up and frowned

"Logan? Why am I in pyjamas?" Then he remembered "Oh gosh. you've seen my weird..."

"Patton" Logan smiled reassuringly "It's fine. It's normal"

"Well I'm normal normal now!" Patton pulled him into bed "But I could still do with a few cuddles" Logan rolled his eyes

"I won't complain" He shifted further into the embrace "My Little One"

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