Mystics - part2

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"Logan" Patton repeated so the lithe man nodded

"Saran hael?" (what are you?)

"I don't understand" 

"Saran hael?" Logan tried to find a way to ask it so he would understand. He signed


"What am I? I'm human" Logan's eyes widened

"What's wrong?" Logan signed more frantically

LEAVE ME ALONE Patton blinked

"Why? What's wrong?"

DON'T HURT ME. Patton tried to soothe

"Hey, hey, of course i won't hurt you. Why would I?"


"They? What happened to you? Logan?" He'd started hyperventilating, his eyes closed and he collapsed in a faint. Patton went to wet a new cloth and felt his forehead.  He was fine but his cuts needed re-bathing. Pushing back Logan's hair he started with the cut on his forehead. The man's breathing regulated with the movement.

"You poor thing" 

Roman ran after the shape that had been following him, finally tackling and pinning it to the ground and taking his bow back. The nymph boy beneath him breathed quickly

"You aren't going to ask me out first Robin Hood?" Roman helped him up

"Why did you take my bow?" He shrugged

"You're too dependent on weapons" 

"I am?"

"You men. You always come into my woods and kill my pets" He finished it sadly. Roman sighed

"My father and I live off of the plants, I use my bow to kill the Death Wings. They're destroying forests everywhere and killing wildlife" The nymph boy frowned

"Death Wings? I live in these woods and I've never seen them. Unless you mean the Nightmares" He added "They fly over life and terrorise it into vulnerability before they kill."

"That's them" 

"You're killing them?" Roman shouldered his bow while nodding. "Thank you"

"You're perfectly welcome and don't take my bow again" The nymph boy smiled


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