Three New Sides

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"Ok, Anxiety i was feeling good today so - "

"Shut up" Thomas turned around 


"She told you in a less than polite tone and way to be quiet" 

"Ok what is going on who are you?" Two girls were now in the room, both near the stairwell. The girl standing up had chestnut hair drawn back in a ponytail with a solar system necklace under the green cardigan tied over her shoulders which contrasted with the darker peacock blue dress she was wearing which had a galaxy pattern. She adjusted her matching cat eye glasses.

"Forgive me for being blunt with this rhetorical question. Isn't it obvious who we are? Regarding our appearances should give it away" The girl on the stairwell smirked

"Careful Thomas, you don't want to sound dumb. yet do you want to lie? would you feel ok with lying?" She smiled at his face until Cat Eyes cut in

"Stop it he's already confused and... freaked out?" He nodded. The girl on the stairwell high fived her. She wore a dark t-shirt and jeans with a white gold leather jacket and a red pattern on the top pockets and the collar. Thomas repeated

"Who are you?" Goth Girl snorted

"I'm Raven Marigold. You'll have to guess what trait i am" Cat Eye rolled her eyes

"My name's Almandine. I'm your empathy" She stood next to her fathers so Morality held her shoulder. Logic smiled and squeezed her hand. Prince grinned and pulled his daughter up

"Our princess here is your caution"

"Dad!" She glared at Thomas "Stop treating my Father like the bad guy ok?" Empathy smiled apologetically

"You don't seem to understand Host, he is merely fulfilling his function within your life. oh and i can feel your confusion. we're girls because we're typically seen as feminine qualities within the literature you've read which inspires your traits' physical and mental elements" Logic spoke up

"What've you been reading recently?"

"I've been re reading Northern Lights" He frowned "Why?"

"So you've seen the theme of Lyra's determination and curiosity" Empathy felt his link and gasped 

"Oh my god!" She hugged him so he explained

"Patton..." He looked down and breathed "I guess it's a girl" Morality pulled him forward into a hug, kissing him all over so he laughed "Patton!" He kissed Logic's cheek

"You miracle! what did i do right to deserve you?" Logic kissed his cheek smiling 


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