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note: this will make a lot more sense if you've read sick feelings

Thud! Logan woke up quickly.

"Patton? Anxiety? Prince? One of you answer...." He got up to put on his jacket before going to investigate. He headed downstairs towards the noise, closing his door on the way out. 

"Logan" He froze inside the doorway to the kitchen. "Logan... My guess is Morality will go a little awry..." He turned round. She was in the doorway. 

"How're you back? Thomas rejected you you can't be!" She turned around to run upstairs

"Little Annie..." Anxiety!

"No!" he blacked out.

He sat up in bed. 

"Was that all a dream?" No because readers wouldn't like that. Anyway back to the thing. He went to the mirror and put his glasses on... and screamed.

"Logan!" Patton and the others ran in to see Pranks and Missy frozen beside a screaming Logic. Anxiety noticed the picture on the wall opposite the mirror and froze.

"Red Mist..." Prince drew his sword

"You used this in a prank?! do you know what that villainess did?!" Patton ignored the stuttered excuses

"You're both grounded! Logan, Cookie look at me, look it's ok, it was just a photo and some silly recordings, look at me it's ok. she's not going to hurt you again. I promise" The touch of Patton's lips on his forehead brought him back as Prince took Anxiety back to his room to care for him. Patton just cradled his Cookie and whispered to him until they went to his bed to fall asleep.

"I'll guard you forever..." He kissed Logic's cheek gently "Cookie"

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