Tickets part 1

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Logan POV

"Daddy! daddy there's a baby outside!" My little Robot's words made me freeze. I rushed back outside with him and heard it. A baby wailing on the ground. 

"Shhh shhh, let's get you inside" Picking them up I took Robot's hand and went back in. 

"What is it dear?" My father Joe tried to peer over my shoulders. I walked over with the baby.

"I think Mr Salt changed his mind about having a child" I looked down at the dazed bundle in my arms. Salt probably would have named the infant after a wart.

"Or one with her eyes I think dear" My father looked meaningfully at the blue and green crystal eyes. Central heterochromia. A single flaw made Salt abandon a child. He didn't see children as children. They were trophies to him, they had to be perfect. I sighed and looked at Charlie.

"Well Robot? What do you want for tea while we think over a name for your sibling?" I took the infant to the bed in the corner. Our house only had one room, with a kitchen set up at one end, my little Robot's bedroom set out at the other, his grandparents' bed in the centre of the house, a small ten inch screen tv I managed to keep working resting near the drawers that served as our family wardrobe, and a bathroom in one corner with quadruple layer curtains around it for privacy. My bed was near the kitchen section so I could make breakfast before going to work. Olly hadn't left us with much. His parents stayed to help with Charlie, but I knew that they must be sick of cabbage soup by this point. Oliver didn't die. He just left. After burning Charlie's cot for firewood. I spent a month of my pregnancy on that. My father started telling Charlie's favourite story again; about Patton Wonka and all his impossible sounding inventions.

"My only regret is that your father never got to see the factory" He turned around when our newest Bucket started crying. I went over to pick them up, taking them into the bathroom section when I realised what was wrong. She was a clean, happier infant when we came back out. We decided to call her Crystal. My little Jewel and my little Robot became inseparable.

I knew wishes were fantasy but I just wished I had more for both of them.

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