Love Potion

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"Hey Lo Lo what're you doing?" Logan frowned

"Why are you talking like that?" Virgil hoisted himself onto the counter and sat there looking bored

"Like what?" Logan continued adding to the mixture

"Like you did when you were six years old" Virgil sagged

"Woman mixed up a potion with my hot chocwate,"

"Say no more. Why does he leave his potions everywhere?" Adding more sugar he stirred and checked the recipe again as Virgil fiddled. "What's wrong?"

"I didn't tell Woman where I went" 

"Well that was a little silly wasn't it kiddo?" Patton grinned from the doorway "Let's get you back before he worries"


"Well anyway let's get you back" He walked Virgil back to the fretting prince who kissed his forehead 

"Don't run off like that!"

"Sowwy Pwincey"

"Sweet Cinderella that is adorable." Patton grinned while walking back to Logan.

"Hey Teach" Logan turned around from waiting for the cookies to bake.

"Salutations Patton"

"You could just call me Pat" Logan smiled slightly



"Chef goes first" Logan bit into the treat and coughed

"I don't remember putting in so much sugar" Patton laughed until Logan's eyes turned glazed with... were those hearts in his pupils? his severely dilated pupils. He blushed and turned away from Patton's eyes. Patton frowned and checked the packet. SUGAR... SWEET LOVE. The exact same shape, size and colour as the regular SUGAR packet.


"I told you to stop leaving these lying around!" Roman sighed

"All right i may have been a little lax but this is wonderful he hasn't gone anywhere!" Patton blinked


"After digesting a love potion someone goes to find the one they are in love with"

"And Logan stayed with me..." Roman grinned while watching it sink in

"Pwincey! Bug!" He ran a hand through his hair and grabbed his sword

"Coming Fairest! i have three more hours of this!" He muttered the last bit while leaving Patton to stare.

"Logan loves me?" Yes I assumed you'd get that by the third oneshot. "Who was that?" No one, back to the fic. Ahem... He walked into the kitchen and took Logan's hand, feeling him shiver at the contact. "Logan I have to ask you... do you love me?" Logan nodded reluctantly, eyes down until Patton added "Good."


"Because i have something to tell you"


"Are you oxygen? because I need you" Patton grinned, hugging him closer to kiss his cheek

"Look at my Brain Baby go!" Logan smiled shyly when they pulled away, taking Patton's hand so he gasped "Are you a round object on a flat surface? Cause you are on a roll!" Logan blushed like a teenager and leaned against his boyfriend's arm. "To think you were so unsure only recently!" Virgil rolled his eyes from the sofa

"They are a pair of teens" Roman raised his eyebrows

"And we're not? We literally borrowed Thomas's car just to make-" Virgil kissed him to shut him up.

"Sorry. I had to stop you" 

"Fairest, they've heard worse than us making out in a car" Logan raised his eyebrows before shrugging and turning to Patton to whisper something so he laughed, squeezing his shoulder

"Cheeky." Patton went to get a plate of cookies. His new favourite food.

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