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The Isle of the Lost was a dangerous place for children whether they survived or not. Lydia Peregrine knew it was more dangerous than her mother's loop, because this was hers. She circled the shores every day looking for new children, protecting the ones she found. She ran Peregrine + Hannigan's child protection centre along with Rosalie and her friend Fiona Todd who did the children's hair while Marianne Lovett baked for them. Lydia frowned and dived toward the crying. She transformed in front of them so Virgil shrank back thinking it was his mother

"It's all right honey it's just me. Who've we got here? Patton, I saw you take that, put it back" She returned to the baby on the ground. "Hey there Chick" Lifting him out she soothed him, sighing at the obsidian and albino hair. "So De Vil's abandoned her baby." Checking the pacifier the baby was sucking on she smiled "Hey Logan" The baby giggled when she gave him an eskimo kiss.

"Patton, put that back. You're not employed by your father anymore." Patton sulked and looked at the new addition. Logan was tiny, in a little dalmatian babysuit that looked too tight with faded brown eyes that were half closed as he sucked on the pacifier. the obsidian hair turned to a shock of white in the middle and he started whimpering at the sight of a dog in the alleyway near the orphanage.

"Shoo! go away doggie! you're scaring him!" Patton scolded it when the dog started barking so Logan cried. Patton rose into a red mist with eyes and yelled "Leave him alone!" The dog sprinted with a yelp as Patton went back to human form. "Sorry for being mean Lydia" Lydia blinked at what she'd seen. "But the dog was being mean by scaring him!" Patton looked down at the calming Logan "I didn't want him to cry" Logan reached up to grab his necklace as Patton took it off for him. "There you go" The baby looked at him with wide innocent eyes and made grabby hands so he turned to Lydia who helped him hold Logan gently.

"Look closely. You can almost see it" She whispered "Your bond"

comment if you want a part 2 cos i'm thinking of doing one

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