Too much

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"Logan why're there no photos of us in here?" The crystal white walls were lined with framed certificates and degrees and class photos were scattered, the rare birthday photo with everyone else cropped out.

"Yeah Logic this is pretty weird" Thomas looked at a cracked heart ornament on the bedside desk beside the computer, a pair of glasses dripping tears in the centre of the heart. Patton looked at it.

"Logan kiddo.... what's going on?" A galaxy pattern frame surrounded a single photo of Logan, the others supporting him with dazzling smiles... and they were waxworks. The solar system next to it had their logos on certain planets, with Logan's in the background.

"Do you hate us? Is this some weird...?" Virgil trailed off "Logan?"

"Of course" Logan echoed his own whisper more loudly "Of course I must hate you because what would I know about love? I'm the least favourite side and I know it" Patton opened his mouth as Virgil stood up. "Don't. You won't mean it. Look at me, I'm not edgy or cool or bubbly. I wear glasses like a nerd." Roman picked at his suit uneasily. Logan looked around "But that's enough out of me Thomas. Isn't it?"

"Logic I..."

"Logan. You don't have a nickname for me so it's Logan"

"Logan. Wait are you...?"

"Am I what? Logically expressing emotion for once?" The tears rolled down his cheeks "I can't hide it in my room" He whispered "Your love for me is a quadratic equation" It equals zero. "Please leave" He waited and yelled "Get out!"

"Logan we want to apologise!"

"Then why haven't you?" Silence. He smiled slightly "It's logical for you to say sorry when you're not" They left before a loud shuddering noise made Patton turn back. Logan's single breath had turned into choked out sobs as he sank down clutching his head. His favourite song made sense now. Patton looked back on the other day while going to him.


"What's that Logan?" He smiled and turned up the chorus

"I think you might've said too much

Sorry isn't good enough

I thought that you would call this 

Bluff, bluff

No you can't take it back...

I think you might've said too much..."


He dropped down next to the gasping trait.

"Logan?" He watched him lift his head "Let me stay" The logical trait shook his head then buried it in Patton's chest and cried the loud hideous sobs Patton had never wanted to cause in anyone. "I'm so sorry Lo..." He hugged him closer and promised silently to protect him "You've got a friend in me. You've got a friend in me..." he kept singing when Logan's breathing regulated. Baby steps were still steps.

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