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"So we're going to shoot this scene just once and see how it pans out ok?" It had to be Logan Sanders playing his love interest. Patton broke a certain rule when it came to that jewel eyed puppy.

"So how're we playing it like steamy, sweet?" 

"Just do whatever and we'll see" Thomas went back to arranging the set and encouraging the extras. Patton went to his entrance and watched Logan get into character for the scene.

"Everyone on set? k, three two one action!" Breathe. Just go with the flow and avoid molesting the guy you've had an insane crush on for five years now. Ok, just breathe, avoid being too eager when you return it. Ok, dialogue, err god what's your line?

"Why did you pick me for this project?" God Patton was good he actually closed his eyes then.

"Sometimes you look at someone and you just think.... wow. Maybe fairytales are real. Then they show you their talent and you want them to just... stay in your fairytale. When you sang Green Finch. I felt like... I'd found my fairytale. I guess this is my way of trying to get you to stay in it" Logan breathed, his nomination scene replicated in the performance he gave as Patton watched.

"Does that make you my prince?" He leaned up in fake surprise when Patton caught his lips, biting slightly to part them. Logan returned it easily when his tongue moved, deepening the kiss so his hand rested on Patton's collar, pulling him closer until he realised and pushed back slightly. Logan pulled back so they could separate, an endearing genuine blush tinting his face. His chest rose and fell so Patton looked at his eyes.

"Damn" Need a cigarette? Virgil smirked slightly from off set.


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