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A new video plan. He could handle that. New script. Easy. Priority sorting. Ok. Goal planning. Yes... Inner questions. Yes but not six or seven! Then there was songs, shoutout sunday, tunes, original ideas, new content... what was...? Patton ran upstairs at the sound of a scream.

"Logan!" He heard him keep screaming until it stopped too suddenly. "LOGAN!"

"PATTON!" He ran in to see his favourite geek crouched on the ground shaking as he went over to comfort him

"Sh sh shhh. shhh" He rubbed Logan's back soothingly "Look at me" Logan cried and shook his head against Patton's chest.

"I can't..." Patton repeated softly while trying to move back so Logan could look up.

"Look at me Lo" 

"Patty I don't want to!" He registered the nickname and sighed sadly. "Now you're mad at me!" Oh shiz. "I d- didn't  wa- wa- wanna make you mad..." Logan was sobbing and hiccuping now as Patton soothed his now little fellow trait, adopting a soft gentle voice 

"Sh, shh don't be silly. Daddy's not mad with you baby. Calm down. breathe baby. shhh, sh. daddy's got you. it's ok. you're ok... shhh baby shhh" He cradled the hiccupping trait until he shuddered with the end of his crying, looking up so Patton swallowed the gasp. Logan's eyes were full on white. He was blind. "Tommy's overworked you hasn't he?" The still little trait nodded with tears streaking his face but no sobs coming out as he cried. He felt heavier so Patton helped him up "Come on baby, let's get you into bed" Little Logan was always tired after emotional outbursts. Patton helped him into more comfortable clothes and tucked him in,giving him his cuddly rubix cube which was Little Logan's favourite toy. "I'll be back in a bit ok? Daddy's just going to talk with Tommy about a very big mistake Tommy's made" Logan looked unsure but nodded so Patton took off his cardigan and let him cuddle with it, kissing his forehead before he left. Big Logan would freak out over the blindness more but while Little Logan knew it was bad it wasn't as scary since he didn't know what made it scary. Big Logan might be harder to calm down.

"Woah, hey Morality I thought I called Logic" 

"Actually Kiddo I need to say something"

"Ok what?"

"Don't you dare call Logan or I will depress myself just so you feel it ten fold!" Thomas blinked

"What did I do?" Patton fumed

"You overworked Logan so much he dropped down and then you kept overworking him and now he's blind!"

"How does that happen?!"

"Your logic helps you see clearly, if it can't work any longer he can't see!"

"Well i won't work him anymore until he's been recovered for long enough" Patton calmed down 

"Thank you"

Logan woke up and panicked. All he saw was darkness.

"Hey kiddo. d'you remember anything?" Patton's voice was soothing "Thomas overworked you but it'll pass. Until it does" He guided Logan out of bed "I'm your eyes"

"Mon Dieu Hastings! I set you up with a pretty woman and you talk about the shooting of the clay pigeons!" Patton switched his voice to read Hastings "Well you heard her she'd be delighted!" Patton sighed to make Logan smile "Hastings Hastings..."

"Thank you Patton" Setting the book down he smiled

"Anything else you want Lo? and no work" Logan smiled slightly

"I would like to hear a song"

"All right let me get the cd" He placed it in the cd player so Logan leaned on him when he sat down.

"Thank you for helping me" Patton had been reading to him, feeding him, watching movies with the audio description on, helping Logan any way he could. He fell asleep against Patton so he smiled and kissed Logan's cheek and eyelids as usual 

"Sleep tight kiddo" He slept himself next to him.

Logan woke up squinting at the light. The light! He could...!

"Patton!" Patton woke up quickly 

"What's...?" Mocha brown eyes shimmered back at him.

"I can see" It had only been three days, how had he...? Then it hit him. Logan's eyes must have recovered since... he kissed them. "Patton?" Logan kissed him gently and smiled "I wasn't asleep"

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