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Patton watched Logan's body language and walked closer to purr in his ear.

"Calm down Smarty, Roman's just stressed right now" He curled his tail around Logan's waist and rubbed his back with it.

"Logan you missed the line! Are you trying to make me unprincely?!" Roman's question made Virgil smirk slightly.

"You already were Princey, this morning wasn't exactly regal Sir Singalot" He watched Patton pad closer to Roman.

"Kiddo I know you're stressed but don't take it out on your friends" When Roman readied a reply Patton hissed at him, nuzzling Logan's neck as Virgil called rehearsal off. Patton curled his tail around Logan's waist and left with him, curling up on the sofa with his Smarty. Logan smiled and  kissed Patton's hand, earning a small hum and the start of a purr.

"You're adorable" He didn't even know he'd said it until the neko nuzzled him.

"You're cuter Einstein" The nickname made him laugh, Patton's tail curling around his wrist as he laid with him.

"That would be impossible" Kissing his husband's forehead he smiled. "My Kitty" A small nip to his ear

"Mine" They both turned as one year old Thomas crawled through the door. Logan pulled their son onto his lap and nuzzled them both.


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