Silence part1

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Sometimes if you go to Gradesville cemetery on June 9th at five minutes to midnight you can see it. At the corner where the moon's halo and the night's mist collide. A boy around seventeen years old, with a beautiful voice but a burnt face, walking around the graves and calling. Calling while dancing with thin air. No hands on his hips. No feet moving with his. Only the night air humming with him, and him singing the song every time.

"My darling my sweet. The light of my eye. Why didn't we say goodbye?" Those three lines. Over and over. "My darling my sweet. The light of my eye. Why didn't we say goodbye?" He'll come to anyone who lights a match. Lie on your bed and light one at the mirror. "My darling my sweet. The light of my eye. Why didn't we say goodbye?" He's closer now.

"Keres? Don't set the flipping pillows alight for god's sake! I just bought those!" 

"My darling my sweet"

"What the...?"

"The light of my eye" The house seemed still as Virgil listened. "You made. Us say goodbye... Logie..." Holy. Sh- 

"It's not funny Roman! I heard their song!" He glared at Roman's laughter.

"For god's sake Stormcloud! Logan Sanders died ten years ago and Patton Heart burned himself to a crisp breaking out!" Dumb airhead. "Keres probably brought a cd to scare you" He frowned at the door. "I might be a little drunk" Virgil swallowed. He saw it too. Rising from the gap under Keres' door.

"My puppy my joy. My mythical sprite. I'm longing to reunite" 


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