When I Held You Part 5 - Even I

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"Logan? Logan?" The thud of Patton's head hitting the ground signalled the start.

"Filthy mixed blood!"



"Please i would never hurt anyone! please let me go! please!"

"Chatty liar aren't you?" Logan struggled

"I'm not lying I'd never hurt anyone please let me go please! Patton help!"

"CRUCIO!" Logan's screams rang out through the halls as Patton came around too quickly.

"Logan!" The screams reached his ears so he ran "LOGAN!" He ran past Roman cradling someone

"Virgil please! please wake up!" Oh no... Anariahe, Radlen and other mixed blood students were scattered over the floor as he passed.

"Logan!" The screams got louder as he neared the room of requirement, heart pounding to match his feet on the ground.

"CRUCIO!" Logan went limp just as Patton ran in, aftershocks still twitching his body.

"No... no no please no LOGAN!" He ran over to cradle him as one of his killers explained

"They were mixed bloods Patton. They were all dangerous, they deserved to die" Patton looked up with angry tears still stinging his  eyes.

"We all deserve to die. Even all of you" The spell left his wand before they could run. He turned his wand to face him as he looked down at Logan, stroking his hair away softly "Even I" Boyfriends met again.

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