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"Heya Sweetie what d'you want?" Patton watched the customer looking at the menu

"Do you do...? ha! do you do peppermint or lime tea? ha!" He adjusted his glasses as Patton looked

"I think we might have some lime tea left back there. Just give me one minute and I can check" He turned to go as the customer smiled. Until...

"Don't you get enough attention already you freak?"

"What? ha!"

"There that's exactly what i'm talking about!"

"I can't... ha! I can't control it. ha! I'm sorry. ha!" 

"Stop. Now!" Patton walked back over

"Sir he's told you he can't control it" He squeezed the customer's shoulder. The other man sighed

"Of course he can it's just a cry for attention!"

"Sir shut up about him now or i'll have you kicked out" Patton smiled reassuringly "You're Logan right? I go to your Psychology classes"

"Oh, you're... ha! Patton. Ha!" Patton nodded

"Hey, my shifts nearly up do you want to have a coffee together?" Logan nodded

"Thank you by the way" Patton squeezed his shoulder 

"No no you don't need to thank me sweetie" Logan paused. Sweetie? He smiled.

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