Fixing Screw Ups1

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Logicality + maybe Prinxiety if anyone asks for it.

"Our infiltrator will be Virgil Sansa, our assassin will be Roman Light, our hacker Logan Glass, and our undercover agent will be Patton Sanders" Missy looked up

"Sir do you think it's wise to have Sanders and Glass on a mission together after their unfortunate... past together?" She nodded towards the Cozart files on the wall.

"They'll have to deal with each other, they're the best in their fields."

"Why do we need this team sir?" Phillip Ranks placed another file in front of her

"Our mistake has come back to haunt us. They..." He looked around to make sure N wasn't listening in. "Are our suicide squad. Call them in"

Logan looked around, Roman's sword glistening on his belt while Virgil had only one or two inches of skin showing and contact violet eyes to match his hair. Familiar glasses looked back at him so he sighed and shut him up before he could start.

"Don't even greet me you self absorbed heartless git" He looked away from the enraged reply "You've ruined my life enough"

"Oh go write another best seller Shakespeare" Patton glared at his back as Logan retorted

"I'd rather be Shakespeare than MacBeth!" He lapsed into silence and glared. Virgil winced

"Romantic past?" Patton smirked 

"I wish" Logan muttered darkly 

"Don't you just?"

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