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(three times Patton was too cautious and one time he finally made a move)


"So, do you want to have a study session or... study date?" Patton fumbled with his shirt a little 

"Yeah, sure...." Logan picked up his books 

"Great, I have to go to the IT meeting but i'll see you later ok babe?" He kissed Patton's cheek after the other made no move to close the gap between them.

"S - see you... Lo..." Logan smiled

"You're so cute when you blush" He walked away as Patton headed to Psychology.

"So, how'd your makeout session go?" Adam grinned next to him.

"We didn't make out. We just talked. How'd it go with Roman?" Adam sighed

"He's still got his eyes fixed on Lola. It's like i'm invisible!" Patton smiled sympathetically, thinking about Logan. "Why didn't you kiss him?" Thinking it over he sighed

"I don't know"


"Patton, you know Prom's coming up... I wondered if you wanted to go as a couple, since we're dating... do you?" He nodded

"Sure, if you want" Logan smiled

"So... d'you want to help me pick something out? Or just... chill together" Patton started closing the gap between them as a group walked past. He moved to Logan's cheek so he looked around and sighed

"What's wrong?"

"Patton, why can't you kiss me in front of anyone? At my house you're practically seducing me but then in front of anyone you seem embarrassed to even kiss me" Picking up his files he smiled sadly "I guess i better go"


"You can't even give me my nickname in public" Then he left.


"Just tell me why i embarrass you" Logan's voice was quiet "Why can't you kiss me? you avoid it like the plague" Patton protested

"You know that's not true!"

"Not in private!" Logan was exasperated "In private you're all over me but i want you to be fine in public! you treat me like i've caught the black death! you won't even kiss me! what did i do to embarrass you so much?" 

"Logan i just - i'm scared to be seen kissing..." Oh crunchy cookies. talk about digging a deeper hole.

"You're scared to be seen kissing me?" He muttered quietly before leaving "well thanks for the answer"


Walking to the dance floor Patton sighed. Logan looked perfect as ever. The next song hit him hard

"The best thing you never knew you needed...."  He always needed Logan. what had he done to him?! Logan looked lost as he walked over. He needed Patton. They needed each other. Yet... if everyone saw.... screw it. Patton strode over and grabbed his wrist, pulling him forward he didn't even let Logan's eyes lock with his before the kiss. It was wild and fast and reckless... and perfect.

"Patton what...?" He was cut off by a finger to his lips before Patton let everyone hear...

"I love you Lo"

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