The Past Affects Us All - part 1

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"Logan, you've been hanging out with Prince too much" Logic adjusted his glasses to see his boyfriend more clearly.

"I was simply helping develop a script for the next video" Passion stroked his hair, following a lock down to his ear.

"You couldn't have written it later? you kept me waiting"

"I know but Thomas is our host and - ah!" He nursed his ear as Passion shook his head

"You talk back too much Smarty, go get the calculator" Logic froze

"No, please don't... i'm sorry" Another tug on his ear causing him to yell

"Just go get it" With trembling fingers Logic handed over the first calculator his host had given him.

"Please..." Passion interrupted

"Shhh. you have to learn" crack! the pieces littered the floor as Passion tutted mockingly at the tears rolling down Logic's face. He walked out muttering "Remember whose you are Four Eyes" Logic closed the door behind him, legs shaking so he collapsed in front of the shattered gift, stifling his sobs. Passion had seduced and manipulated him because...

"No one else could love you" Now he was in this mess because he'd let his emotions be turned against him. Stupid emotions, what good did they cause? nothing. now they'd landed him here. in a relationship he was too terrified to end. emotions. the bane of his existence... of his life.

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