Cool Kids part2 (as requested)

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"Welcome to the palace!" Virgil rolled his eyes as they walked in.

"Ro, d'you have to say that every time we come?" Roman grinned

"Of course not my Emo Dream" Virgil blushed as Roman continued "I choose to though" Patton smiled and nudged Logan

"You'll get used to it Smarty" Logan blushed slightly and nodded

"I'll take your word for it" Patton looked at him

"You ok? Your cheeks are flushed you look hot"

"I - I'm fine" He shrugged and lead the way to Roman's room while the other two got out the drinks. "Wow" The entire room was gold, red, and plastered with childish drawings along with photos of Roman and Virgil. The drawings were all signed with a heart and an adorable attempt at a lily.

"In case you can't tell his cousin Lily did these." Logan smiled

"They're cute" Patton looked at them

"Yeah she brings him a new one every day" Logan looked at the photos of Virgil posing to express different emotions.

"What're these?" Roman and Virgil walked in as Roman explained

"Virgil's my muse for the photography competition. You're doing it too aren't you Pat?"

"Nah my muse ditched so i'm gonna have to drop out" Roman cracked open the drinks

"Well, if you find a new muse... to the competition" They rolled their eyes and drank, Logan coughing slightly

"That's quite strong."

"If you've never drunk before" Virgil sighed

"You've never drunk before have you?" Logan smiled sheepishly to confirm it so Patton plucked the drink from his grip.

"Then you can't start on this" He turned to Roman jokingly "Sire, your finest please!" He added as Roman walked out, looking at Logan as he said it "And get a glass for the tall drink of water afterwards" Roman rolled his eyes and grinned

"As you wish Sire" He left still grinning as Logan frowned naively at Virgil's smile

"What?" Virgil just laughed slightly 

"You're so naive"

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