Your Eyes

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Heterochromia Iridis. Essentially one eye was two colours, but when heterochromia iridum is also passed down through your genes then there's every chance that your baby... will have eyes with three different colours. It could be extremely attractive, such as one grey with a region of blue and then one completely violet. Virgil was lucky like that. His cousin was stuck with one brown eye with a region of almost bright cat like green and his other eye was entirely red due to albino heritage on his mother's side. Logan used to believe that maybe someone would like his eyes without being related to him. He'd given up hope quickly after his first partner asked him to wear sunglasses in public. Logan suspected the blindfold wasn't really because of an interest in BDSM. That didn't work for him anyway so it was all right.

"Hey Lo, I'm trying to introduce you!" Virgil hauled him up playfully. "This is Patton" 

"I'm Logan" Did the other's breath just hitch? Logan looked up to see him swallow.

"Patton" Patton extended a hand while staring at the freakish eyes. Logan sighed and turned away. "Dear God..." He didn't want to hear the rest.

"I'm Logan" Patton felt his breath hitch when he saw Logan's eyes. He swallowed.

"Patton" He extended a hand while staring at Logan's eyes. They were beautiful! He almost stopped him from turning away. "Dear God..." He was gorgeous.

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