Secrets - part3 (as requested)

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Logic sighed while moving the book into his line of vision. He'd already revealed it was the reason he read in his room, he was in the advanced stages of his RP. He hadn't had peripheral vision for five years, and now his tunnel vision was closing in as well. Logic had had his RP since Thomas was born, it had been lying dormant for sixteen years, and when it made itself clear of course Logan would be one of the patients with whom it progressed quickly. The last book he had read with his full vision was The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie. A gift from Morality. He wasn't even reading the book he held now.

"Lo?" He looked up as Anxiety walked over. "Can I sit with you?" Logic shifted so that Alex could settle next to him. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

"I didn't want you to worry" Anxiety tried to laugh

"You're my Lo Lo i worried about you anyway since i was a kid!" He looked up at the pages and Logic's eyes. "Lo?" Logic looked down at him as he finished "Can i read it to you?"



"Woah! ok you shocked me. ok Morality what's up?"

"I need you to imagine something" Thomas frowned

"Ok, what?" 

"Imagine a book" He raised an eyebrow

"A book?" Morality nodded

"The type of book Logan would read"


"But... imagine it with text only in the centre on each page. down the centre ok kiddo?" Thomas nodded while opening his eyes

"Done" Morality grinned and went to collect it.

"Thanks kiddo"

"Tell Logic I know..." Morality froze until Thomas soothed him "And I want to help"

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