Cool Kids part3 (as requested)

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"Hey guys are you going to Ally's party?"  Alyssa Cozart-Sanders always threw the best parties when her dads were out. A few times when they were in as well.

"Yeah sure"

"I'm up for that" Logan added

"Sounds cool. When is it?" Patton checked his phone

"Friday evening. You got any clothes that aren't suits Logan Bond?" Logan blushed so Virgil promised

"I'll help you pick something Lo"

"Thanks" Roman cut in

"Not this evening, I've made plans and a reservation at Talyn's" Virgil raised his eyebrows

"So what are your plans Princely One?" Roman just growled in his ear and kissed him to stop any embarrassing noises so Patton answered the silent question.

"Trust me, we don't want to know" He pushed his phone into his pocket "You up for a movie tonight Smarty?" Logan stuttered in surprise

"Movie?" Patton grinned

"Well I'm not letting you stay at home alone, am I?"

"Th-thanks Pat."

"First however, I am watching you."


"You're stick thin Smarty, I'll grab a table for two at Calisa's Gelato" He picked up Logan's jacket and slipped him into it before heading out with Logan following.

at Patton's house...

"Let's see, I think you'll like this" He pulled out the pilot episode of Sherlock and turned it on.

"Patton can - can i ask you something?" 

"Why d'you always stutter around me?" He went back over to the sofa "Is Red Riding Hood scared of the Big Bad Wolf?" He mock pounced, laughing when Logan writhed under his fingers and snorted. "You're not scared are you Smarty?" 

"No I just wondered... why're you always flirting with me?" Patton was propped up with a hand either side of Logan's head.

"You're crazy cute when you blush. Now why do you stutter?" Logan blinked

"Did you just call me cute?" Patton laughed nervously

"I thought it was pretty obvious I like you" Logan whispered

"That's why"


"I - I stutter because...." He leaned up propped on his elbows "Because I like you too" He started a little when Patton's lips seized his, melting into it and returning it after the initial shock. Patton Moral. THE Patton Moral was kissing him! They broke off to breathe as Patton whispered as if reading his mind.

"Just do what you feel like" Logan nodded and pulled him back down to resume the kiss. Later when they were watching the third episode Patton looked down to see Logan asleep against his side. Switching the screen off he wrapped around him and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight... My  Einstein" Mrs Moral looked in and smiled 

"My baby's got his baby" She left them in peace. "Is this... beer?" She shrugged "My baby's grown up"

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