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Clarity walked in

"Has anyone seen Logan? He's been avoiding me ever since he got back from the opticians"  Anxiety shrugged

"Sorry. Princey's been distracting me" Prince went bright red so his emo kitten laughed "I love getting you flustered" Clarity waved it aside

"I don't even want to know. hey Morality?" He turned around 

"Yes kiddo? what's wrong? you look worried" She sighed while starting to explain

"I haven't seen Logan all morning" Morality's eyes widened

"So he's been avoiding everyone?"

"He's avoiding you too?" Morality nodded

"He didn't even react to my dad jokes i told him through the door" She could hear the worry in his voice.

"You don't think he got bad news do you? last time he avoided everyone he had an eye infection" Time froze as she realised what she'd done "No, Morality i wasn't suggesting... Morality wait!" She watched him run and bit her lip "Oh crap"

they were hideous, ridiculous and so stupidly thick! he'd avoided everyone so far but how could he hide these?

"Logic! Kiddo you're making me worry!" He turned around with wide eyes as his door opened

"Ral no!"

Logic hid his face when Morality opened the door, grabbing his  arm to turn him round. He let go in shock as Logic sighed

"It's awful!" His new glasses were black with grey streaks becoming grey and blue checker board patterns on the sides, the edging noticeably thicker than before while half inch lenses stuck out so Logic blushed and bit his lip. "I just wanted to try something new, and they look ridiculous!" Morality smiled

"Oh Logan... this is what you were hiding kiddo?" He nodded

"The lenses weren't my choice, i needed them because i haven't told you something"

"Ok, what is it?" He breathed in to calm himself

"I have Retinitis Pigmentosa, it's why i only look ahead, by the time Thomas is forty I'll be completely blind. I won't be able to see our host Ral and I..." He blinked back the tears "I don't want him to waste money on treating me but i want to see him grow so badly!" Morality soothed

"Hey, hey kiddo calm down. don't talk like that. it could never be wasted if it was spent on you" He spoke firmly "You're going to let them cure you ok?"

"I don't know if there is a cure, and if i stop seeing you i - i don't know what i'll do!" Morality frowned

"If you stop seeing me?"

"I'm not good at this but i - I love you..." He stared in horror at his own words until Morality soothed 

"I love you too, and even if it takes the century kiddo i'll help them cure you. I promise" He pulled Logic forward into a hug as the other cried

"I don't want to lose this" He wiped his tears and promised after kissing his still wet cheek

"You won't"

Logicality OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now