Rap Battle... Patton can rap?!

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"Oh i'm talking lyrical dueling"

"Oh like in Eight Mile!" Virgil frowned

"How do you know about Eight Mile?" Roman shushed

"Well Logan how about it?"

"I dont..."

"Too bad you're doing it" A booming voice filled the air


"Ladies, lords and non binary royalty, watch me as i beat this geek and do it joyously. I'll vanquish any villain with the gall to try and toy with me. ask the dragon witch she knows the drill. you're screwed, royally!" Logan adjusted his glasses

"Stricken with clairvoyancy events occurred as i'd foreseen. your rapping stinks your verse was weak flamboyantly employing these. trisyllabic rhymes, ha, i can match that easily. i'll beat you every time so you do not want beef with me Princey, i drown out lesser emcees when i flow there's no avoiding me. under pressure i rise up. holler at your buoyancy. diadems are worn on capita, i had this battle on lock like attica. you're through go home Princey pack it up. i claimed to be the better one and I backed it up" Roman stared before attempting a second verse

"I'm never truly lesser since I'm Thomas's dreams. You're stone cold heartless logic ripping them at the seams. When he aspires to climb higher you say consequences would be dire. I'll admire the fire in your eyes of your ire. let's face it Logan  you tend to hold him down while i raise him so high he should be wearing a crown" Patton stepped in dangerously calmly

"What was that Kiddo? A sing along song? It's a 'beat poetry' battle so you're doing it wrong. I taught my Cookie empathy it doesn't mean i'll use it. When you attack him so pathetically, i'm prone to abuse it. I'm the heart i know your feelings i can tear you down. stop you from swooning for yourself wearing your ego like your crown. While you're running into dreams and danger, and causing a wreck. his 'stone cold heartless logic' is saving your neck! And while he might hold our host back it's from the wrong path. Call yourself a leader? stop making me laugh! you haven't even thought of an original idea, you call him a geek yet he's got more ideas than you up here. Kiddo face it you're a sidekick we're the Sherlock to your John. Now you can face a fact that's just a little obvious; we've won" Logan grinned

"I'm dating that" Roman stared

"Where did that come from?!" Patton pulled Logan closer to kiss his cheek so he whispered

"Le prince est sans talent par rapport mon prince" That earned him a lip kiss and Prince an answer as Patton turned to him

"Dont insult my Cookie Roman. Got it?" Message received.

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