Nights Out

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"Holy f**k that guy is hot!"


"Guy over there, isn't he gorgeous?!" Anx shrugged

"I guess he's ok" Jell raised her eyebrows

"Ok? then i bagsy him" She looked up when Missy laughed

"It's just so funny! he's been checking out Anx all evening!" Anx blushed

"Hasn't! has he?"

"Yuh huh, and his friend has been shamelessly admiring Logan for like half an hour now" Jealousy left to go chat up the dj as Missy grinned looking over at the table "Wanna go make a move?" Without waiting for their answers she walked over so they sighed and followed. And was wearing a loose DARK SIDE OF DISNEY T-shirt with a studded black hoodie and jeans while Logan wore a dark shirt to match his glasses, light grey trousers completing it. Missy wore a short black dress with a low slung neck, cut outs and a thigh slit as well as white writing on the back. it said NO ONE'LL FIND YOU... AS PERFECT AS YOU REALLY ARE. BE PROUD. then there was a heart She walked over to a guy dressed in casual jeans and t-shirt flanked by two friends.

"You're really sick... at dancing! where did you learn your moves?" He scanned her confidently before answering

"You've got some cool moves yourself judging from that. I'm Pranks, this is Roman, and Cardigan over here is Mo" She grinned confidently

"I'm Missy, this is Anx and Logan. Wanna take a spin on the floor?" Pranks tried to act like he could believe his luck

"Sure, do your friends want to come?" They shook their heads "Well drinks are on me ok?" Roman and Mo pulled out a chair each for Logan and Anx. 

"So, do you come here often?" Logan shook his head

"Normally i stay at the flat to watch Cats of Claw Hill." Mo sat forward

"Did you see the last episode? I never knew they could survive that drop! reminded me of Sherlock the Reichenbach episode" 

"The new ones?" Mo smiled apologetically

"Those are ok but i was talking about the old ones with Jeremy Brett" Logan stared a little

"I love the old ones!" Anx smirked at his friend hitting it off with Mo.

"So you're a disney fan?" He looked around when Roman spoke

"Yeah, kind of although my ex boyfriend probably wouldn't agree"

"Why not?" Anx shrugged

"Said I ruined Beauty and the Beast when i pointed out Belle could have Stockholm syndrome. I ruined Cinderella, I ruined Snow White... take your pick i ruined it for him" He went on to explain  the lack of consent and the issues he'd spotted aside from that. Roman paused

"While it does dampen the wonder of the movies, they are all entirely plausible, and you can hardly help being observant if that's why he left you" Anx smiled

"Actually he left me because i get anxiety attacks... or because... he said i am one" 

"I would have to disagree"


Roman and Mo were getting drinks for Logan and Anx's first time in the bar.

"Know what you deserve?" They looked up at the speaker, gelled back hair and an all leather outfit making him look like a stereotype douche. which it turned out he was.

"A better place than this, say my place?"

"I don't think i want to leave my friend"

"He could come too, plenty of room for three" Logan sighed

"We're not interested"

"I'm not interested in taking no for an answer" He made to grab both their wrists when Logan lashed out, his fist knocking Douche's wrist as Anx attempted the same, Missy's voice reaching them.

"What's happening over there?" Logan tried again

"We're not interested now please let go..." he shrank under the Douches glare. He and Anx were pulled outside, Logan held against the wall as Douche kissed down Anx's neck, provoking a distressed whimper as Logan tried pulling him off only for Douches friend to give him a smack to the jaw, holding him against the wall... Anx's protests getting louder... SLAM 

"YOU CREEP!" SLAM! "NO." SLAM "MEANS" SLAM "NO!" Mo and Roman took the two nearly victims back inside to the bathroom to examine their necks while Missy continued beating the sense into their attackers, Pranks dialling the police while helping her.

"You ok?"  Logan hissed in pain at the cold icepack on his bruises. Mo apologised

"I'm sorry, it's going to sting. do you have anywhere to go?" Logan/Anx shifted

"I don't really want to leave alone" Mo/Roman looked up

"I'll walk you if you'd like" A near whisper

"I would"

Mo pulled back from the kiss to breathe

"I never did thank that idiot" Logan smiled, blushing at how Mo's gaze swept over him

"Why do you need to?"

Roman leaned him back to kiss Anx half breathless before answering

"Well, i owe this to his dastardly attempt to take your honour, which tonight my dark angel..." Anx leaned forward on his elbows to receive the eskimo kiss while whispering

"Is yours"

Pranks and Missy grinned

"So i guess it worked out well?"

"That it did mon cheri. that..." Missy rolled her eyes and stole another kiss before finishing his sentence

"It did"

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