Ice Cold Fun

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The sun streamed through overheated windows onto the blue and silver room inside, reflecting off of the mirror which showed two forms sleeping in the 2019 style bed at one end of the room. One of them stirred and leaned on his elbow to look at the other, who had his eyes closed and lips slightly parted while his hair fell over his forehead as he turned in his sleep. Reaching over them the first one put on his glasses to see his love clearly in the light.

"I need to move you Logie ok?" The other let out a small noise and moved closer to him so Patton smiled. "Or maybe I could stay here a little longer" He watched Logan's chest rise and fall in time with the music softly playing from the sapphire blue light until he turned it off.

"Morning Patton" Logan looked up as Patton placed his glasses on just to watch him blink to adjust to the light. They'd both kicked the duvet off and slept under the sheets it was so hot even with the windows wide open.

"Morning Lo" Logan sighed and laid back down

"How high a temperature is it?"

"High twenties" Patton smiled amused as his love groaned and ran a hand through his hair

"That's too hot to function!"

"Awe Smarty don't be like that. I've got some ice and a cold Xango downstairs" Logan smiled

"I don't want you to leave though" Patton rolled his eyes grinning

"Well good thing I meant downstairs" He gestured at the glass steps up to the bed, of which there were only three. Logan rolled his eyes and turned over

"Then I shall get more sleep" Patton climbed out of bed and laughed

"I don't think so Smarty, you're not getting off that easy" He pulled Logan out of bed and over to the mirror "Get into something cool ok?" He got ice out of the fridge and walked back over as Logan fixed his sleeves

"Patton what are you...?" He yelped as the ice went down his back, turning around to grab the rest and tackle him so he was pinned to the floor by Logan's legs as the logical one got revenge. "Apologise" Patton shook his head and laughed.

"Too fun!" Logan tickled him mercilessly so he writhed and laughed

"Apologise or I won't stop!" He grinned while saying it as Patton refused

"No - ho - ho wa - ha - hay! your fa-a-a-ace was pri - hi - hiceless!" 

"Then more ice for you" Patton's eyes widened

"No - ho - ho Logan! Loga - ha -han!" He flipped them over and held the ice near Logan's shirt "You're paying for that Smarty!" Logan laughed and looked back defiantly 

"Bring it"

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