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Logan groaned

"My head feels like I'm experiencing a hangover" Patton got up and came back with a thermometer and a glass of water with dissolved painkiller.

"Open wide kiddo" Logan rolled his eyes and let him stick the thermometer under his tongue, feeling his forehead Patton summoned a cold wet flannel.

"Pat, i'm fine i just happen to have a headache" Removing the thermometer Patton showed it to him with raised eyebrows.

"Considering you're fine that's a little too high" Logan sighed when Patton then checked his eyes and the skin near the back of his head, shaking his head.

"Clarity!" Logic's twin emotion faded in with her nose still in a book.

"Yes? You better have a good excuse for interrupting me on poem twenty eight of Owen and Sassoon's greatest recorded war period works" Before you ask, yes, she always talks like that. Always. Patton cut in

"Kiddo you're filling in for Logic today, where's Cally?"

"Here!" Clarity dropped and caught her book

"Shakespeare in maybe existent heaven! You figuratively scared the life out of me!" Ethicality smiled sheepishly 

"Sorry. Anyway what is it Patty?" Clarity rolled her eyes and gestured

"Clearly Logan is sick, therefore we are quite obviously needed to fill in the roles of our fellow sides should Thomas need either of them" She looked at the blown lightbulbs in Logan's eyes and the wire shaped scars/scabs on his neck. "Aye.... I thought we were both vaccinated against Circuit Pox?" Logan sounded weak and croaky 

"Thomas had a test which took priority and the vaccine slipped my memory" Patton shook his head, smiling gently

"Cookie, nothing take's priority over you" Logan retched and threw up sparks 

"I feel worse than the typical depiction of ill" Patton summoned a bucket after cleaning up, wrapping an arm around his Cookie.

"My poor brainy baby" He kissed Logan's cheek as the other two left. "You want to just sit here and watch something?" He watched him nod and got up to put on Big Hero 6 before sitting with him again. Logan rested his head against Patton's chest when they laid down to watch. Patton made him keep drinking if only to soothe the sparks, stroking his hair as Logan's breathing quieted, turning into a soft noise you could only just hear. He switched the screen off and held him against his middle, just listening to him breathe until Patton's own breathing soon matched it. Later Clarity put up a sound block wall before going to tell Virgil and Roman to keep it down in case they watched a movie or something. They didn't. 

"Hey Clarry what's wrong?" She closed the door and guided Ethicality away

"Don't go in there" They looked in on Logan and Patton so she breathed. "I needed to see some innocence" She left Ethicality quietly fan-girling over the cuteness. Logan shifted closer to him in his sleep so Patton smiled unconsciously, combing a hand through his hair while still holding him.

"Ethicality? Cally ?" Clarity pulled her away.

"They're so cute!"

"I know" A quick glance at the squealing trait twitched her lips upwards slightly "They are"

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