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"This is Roman, the horse rider, Logan here is our acrobat, and Ann is his partner in his act. you will be in charge of Logan's safety." Patton nodded as Ann went over to Roman and wound his legs around his waist while holding his shoulders.

"Any chance you're free later? You promised you'd make your schedule more... flexible" Roman raised an eyebrow before twisting Ann's position so he was dipped low.

"Actually I'm free now Princess... and you're going to learn not to make me blush in front of people" Ann swallowed audibly. "Come with me" Logan blinked before leading Patton to his tent.

"You'll be sleeping here, i'll be on top bunk for the obvious reason" Patton smiled

"Ok, so what am I in charge of?"

"Chalk and grips on the ladder, helping with my training etc"

"All these books, how many pages are they?"

"The longest one is 18000 pages"

"No way, you're kidding me!" Logan smiled shyly 

"No, i'm just that much of a nerd. We're all a lot smarter than we look" Patton frowned

"Then why join the circus?"

"We had nowhere else to go. I'm not sure why you joined but we're all freaks."

"Freaks?" Logan sighed

"Roman's gay, Ann is bisexual and i'm trans. The world made us freaks so we gave it a freakshow" Patton murmured

"I might not be smart but that doesn't make you freaks"

"Try telling our families that." Logan looked up "What about you? why would you join?"

"I'm not smart or strong or brave so i figured why not go somewhere where i have a chance of people not kicking me down for it?" Logan smiled

"Well... join our club Patton"

"How did you...?"

"Larry said he'd introduce a friend today you stuck close to him you looked nervous of saying the wrong thing, and he said Patton was empathetic" He added "You're on the team now so... call me Lo" Patton smiled


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