Cool Kids

702 33 14

"Hey, there's nowhere to sit" 

"Oh, you can take this chair" Kelly waited for him to sit down before adding "Take it over there four eyes!" Logan sighed

"It's ok i'll just skip lunch again"

"Yeah, you need to Fatty" Logan turned and left as she shouted "Boing boing!" Logan lost it 

"Sounds like the bed springs every time you study!" He backed off and ran.... straight into Ro Crown. "Sorry Roman" Roman's boyfriend Virgil cut in

"Dude it's fine don't worry" 

"Guys! What the heck you said you'd wait up for me" Patton Moral jogged over, chestnut mop of hair bouncing slightly while his glasses were about half an inch thick at the most and tinted silver/blue. He stopped next to them as Kelly called over

"Hey Patty! Wanna hang out?" He fixed a smile on his face and called back 

"It's Patton and no thanks Kelly!" He added more quietly "Never in a trillion years" Turning back to his friends he looked at Logan and extended a hand "Patton"

"Logan" Virgil cut in

"We kind of saw what happened in there so this isn't a pity offer but d'you want to hang out with us?" He added "You're crazy smart, you got 98% on Latin right?" They went outside so Virgil could smoke his vape. After a while Patton spoke up 

"How could they call you fat?" He felt Logan's stomach jokingly "You're like a doll!" He grinned and dug out his phone "Want to add our numbers Smarty?" Logan blushed and nodded. Later he checked to see three new instagram contacts as well. PRINCEY, JD-LIGHTFUL, Logan smiled at Patton's. PUPPY LOVE.  He read the DM from PUPPY LOVE.

Hey Smarty, next time someone bothers you call me ok? 

Logan smiled while texting back 

Ok, but why are you instantly protective of me?

The response made him laugh

They're jealous of my Einstein.

Logan froze when he re read the last two words. My Einstein. 


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