Back For You

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Patton threw the ball against the wall over his tallies of how long he'd been there, the bars of the cell throwing it back to him so he sighed, hitting it back with a yawn as the guard outside looked back at him

"You've been here five years Sanders, and your psycho boy toy isn't getting out of the white room any time soon" 

"Don't talk about Logan" 

"Hit a nerve? You're sore the little slut hasn't broken out for you aren't you?" Patton scowled

"You're waving a red flag at me Matador" The guard laughed

"Matador beats bull Sanders" 

"Not always" Patton looked around his cell again and tried counting the bricks as another guard came over. 

"It's my shift now" Wait. He knew that voice... Thomas? He started choking slightly so the guard stayed to help, a dark figure dropping down and slitting his wrist, holding the blade to his throat

"How often do you read the news? Let Patton go or I will open your jugular vein all over this floor." The blade stayed where it was until he'd opened the cell door so Patton walked out as the vein was opened. "Sorry, but you shouldn't have taunted my Joker" Logan Quinzel kicked the corpse until Patton pulled him away, slamming him against the bars by the body and kissing him as if he'd vanish, parting lips only to deepen it and lock them back together so Logan laughed into the kiss and moved his legs up around Patton's waist, holding the bars behind him for support as Jon drove the car straight through the opposite wall with Thomas still firing at any witnesses.

"Get in!" Logan and Patton parted reluctantly to get in the back as Thomas got in next to Jon. Patton smiled slyly while pulling Logan closer

"I'm glad you came back for me my little doctor" He kissed just below his ear "Because I must be a patient" Logan turned around 


"I need to see you..." He opened the top button of his shirt while whispering "All of you" His little doctor mewled a bit so Thomas sighed

"Luckily there's two beds in the hideout" Jon frowned

"Two?" All he got was a grin.

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