Find Me

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"Patton just... go explore. Virgil go with him"

"Cos you can't be bothered? No. I have better stuff to do" Roman laughed

"Like what? Breaking the walls with MCR? Just go." Patton rolled his eyes

"Guys, I'm older than you just give me something to do" Roman sighed and passed him the kit

"Go set the cameras up in his old rooms" Virgil grinned

"You know this isn't going to work? Newsflash Princey, they've been missing for six years"

"He's never left this house Emo, where d'you think he is?" Patton rolled his eyes and took the cameras upstairs, closing one of the doors as he passed it. 

"We watched every existing horror movie and they still think this is a good idea" The carpet sank under his feet with every step, coating his shoes in bits of fluff and dirt. He went into the study by the bathroom and set the camera up in one corner. He looked around at the room. Blue walls, blue bed, blue curtains... and a blue and red crib in the corner by the bed. There were specs of dark red on the sheets which didn't match. He shrugged and turned the camera on, turning back to the bed to see the darker red spreading... dripping off of the sheets... and glasses by the bed balanced on the crib's bar. Going to the door he blinked... but it stayed the same. Looking back at the mirror where the camera was he froze. The photo showed Logan and Thomas Sanders the day before they'd disappeared, and the mirror was misting up. He tried opening the door and freaked out, the words on his wrist being written on the glass as he watched.


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