When I held you part 4 - When you told me

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"Patton i need to tell you something" 

"What is it?" Logan breathed

"I'm going to take my glamour off so please don't freak out" Patton stared at the nature shaped marks all over his skin, wings fluttering on Logan's back.

"You're..." Logan nodded

"I'm a winged druid. A mixed blood" He added "It's why i trust Professor Hallows. We're both in the same boat along with Aidan. He's a vampiric warlock" Patton finally spoke 

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to wait until no one else would hear. Patton, there's a lot of prejudice against mixed bloods. people don't even know what we're actually called anymore" Patton took his hand 

"I do. You're a Varied. A beautiful combination...." He smiled slightly before kissing him "I always knew you were an angel" Logan blushed

"Pat!" He smiled as Patton murmured

"You've made me an angel hunter Lo" He turned around in his grip so he explained "I've got you... and i'm never letting go"

"You must have clipped my wings..." Logan kissed his boyfriend before finishing "I couldn't leave if i wanted to" Professor Hallows smiled while walking past

"Sweet boys. They deserve a better world"

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