Honey honey (ft Prinxiety)

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note: lyrics have been changed slightly to fit the circumstances/characters etc

Missy ran in slamming the door so they looked up

"What's wrong?" She held out two books and giggled

"I just found Logic and Anxiety's old diaries!" Caution hesitated

"I'm not sure i want to hear this" Pranks leaned forward

"Well i do! read it to me and she'll close her ears" Missy giggled, starting to read Anxiety's diary 

"Roman took me to a little island on Imagination and asked if i would be his boyfriend. i didn't mean to but it was so romantic that one thing lead to another and... dot dot dot!" Pranks and Caution frowned


"You know! dot dot dot! one thing lead to another..." They spoke simultaneously

"Oh. my. god" She continued reading in a fit of laughter

"Roman's the one! i know he is! i've never felt like this before" She started singing what was on the page "Honey honey, how he thrills me, uh huh. honey honey. honey honey, nearly kills me uh huh. honey honey. i'd heard about him before. i wanted to know some more. and now i know what they mean. he's a love machine! oh he makes me dizzy!" They leaned forward as Caution took over

"Honey honey let me feel it uh huh. honey honey. honey honey don't conceal it uh huh. honey honey." She pretended to swoon while singing the next bit "The way that you kiss goodnight" Pranks and Missy grinned

"The way that you kiss me goodnight" Caution giggled

"The way that you hold me tight"

"The way that you're holding me tight"

"I feel like i wanna sing, when you do your... THING!" They all screamed and giggled before picking up Logic's diary as Pranks read from it

"Morality is not my romantic preference at all... so why do i feel so drawn to him? i asked him about my feelings and he said he felt the same. he kissed me so gently but we both wanted more and one thing lead to another and DOT DOT DOT!" They all giggled as Pranks started singing "Honey honey. touch me baby uh huh honey honey. honey honey drive me crazy uh huh honey honey. you look like a movie star." Missy and Caution pretended to swoon

"You look like a movie star"

"But i know just who you are"

"I know just who you are"

"And honey to say the least... you're a feral beast!"

Meanwhile with Anxiety who's thinking of Prince

"Honey honey. how he thrills me uh huh. honey honey"

Cut to Logic rolling his eyes at a dad joke/love note from Morality

"Honey honey. nearly kills me uh huh. honey honey"

back to Anxiety

"I'd heard about you before"

with Logic 

"I wanted to know some more" 

Morality and Prince sing from doorways

"And now you're about to see..." both pull out boxes and kneel on one knee "What you mean to me..." both open boxes to reveal shining rings

"Will you?" Logic and Anxiety gasp in unison and answer simultaneously


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