He drinks?!

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"The sky is so beautiful today. Cotton clouds on a velvet blanket..." Jon sighed

"Thomas, you know I love your poetry but we have a problem here" Thomas nodded

"You can't fully appreciate the beauty I know, it's tragic isn't it?"

"No it's not that it's... your possessive speech earlier.... affected me" He coughed awkwardly and looked down.

"But just look at the outside..."

"Patton!" Patton popped up holding his cardigan. "Wow. could you put the cardigan on please and tie it? Seeing you without it is weird and slightly creeping me out" The moral side grinned

"Happy to kiddo!" Jon nodded

"Ok now it's normal again. Could you stop making Thomas so... innocent? for a while?" Patton read his tone and looked away awkwardly.

"Sorry to pop in on that but it's not me kiddo" He clicked his fingers "Roman! Virgil!" They both popped up so Virgil blushed

"Ok what is it?" He pulled his hoodie closer around his neck.

"Fairest, don't talk gloomily or in that tone" Roman added "With what do you need our assistance?" Patton explained

"They need you to stop making Thomas so..." He gestured "Like that"

"Sweet fairy godmother that is bizarre!" Roman calmed down "But alas it's not me" Virgil cut in

"Why would I make him like that? I'm his negativity. Besides i've been - busy" He looked away so Patton frowned

"Logan?" Logan faded in

"Greetings Morally" Jon frowned

"Is he... drunk?" Patton walked over to hold him by the shoulders

"Logan kiddo, are you ok?" Logan's knees buckled slightly so he caught him. "What happened?" Logan didn't seem to know what he wanted to say 

"He's right! he'll never like me back I'm just a cynical let down nerd!"

"Logan, Logan look at me. Look at me, hey.... hey hey, it's ok, kiddo look at me." Patton stroked Logan's hair back and whispered "It's ok. Who'll never like you? Why would you think that?" 

"Because it's true! Pat'll never like me let alone love me..." He sank down as Patton called her

"Clarity! Fill in for Logan"

"Will do. Sweet deity Shakespeare what's going on with him?" She looked at Thomas as Patton answered before sinking down. Thomas came back to himself as Jon breathed.

"That was weird" Thomas ignored it

"You can all sink down now. I'm back" He teased Jon's ear "And I haven't forgotten"

later in the mind...

"Logan?" He sat up groaning 

"Patton? I.... oh god" He remembered everything. "I understand if things are awkward now between us..."

"Shhh." Patton calmed him "Why would they be awkward?"

"I accidentally revealed my feelings towards you and I assumed the probability was that  you'd never -" The rushed speech was cut short by Patton's finger on his lips.

"Logan, let me speak." He smiled "On what planet would I not like you back?" He kissed him  gently but passionately as Logan returned it. He sounded endearingly uncertain

"I've had no experience with romance Patton" Patton spoke gently 

"Don't worry Smarty, we'll go slowly" Logan smiled. This was...


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