Schemer preview (do you want it as a separate book?)

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"This is dumb"

"Virgil kiddo don't be pessimistic. We'll be ok right Teach?" Logan smiled

"Sure Pat, I mean this isn't Thomas's first crush, he's just a little more certain he loves them this time" He went back to Shakespeare's Mac Beth as the new emotion appeared... 

"Hi everyone" Logan stood up quickly, going pale

"Obsession" Patton looked at him

"Logan are you ok?" Obsession smiled

"He's just feeling faint, aren't you... Logan?"

"Why're you here? I didn't mean anything to go that far!" Patton frowned

"Logan what's going on?" Logan looked at the smiling trait.

"Obsession please... Leave me alone!" Patton grabbed him

"Logan what's happening?"

"Logan has a secret" Patton frowned

"What?" Logan teared up

"Obsession please..." Obsession smiled

"He killed another trait" Logan ran.

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