Say I Do

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"Skye let's just not get married yet!" Roman stared at his boyfriend 

"What?" Virgil grinned

"You never wanted this anyway! Let's just hire a boat and go sailing..." 

"I love you!" Roman kissed him as the priest  turned to Patton

"I take it the wedding is cancelled then Donnie?" Patton blinked

"I'm not sure what's going on right now..." Logan walked over

"Why waste a perfectly good wedding? How about it Don? Will you marry me?"

"Are you crazy?! I am not a bigamist!"

"Neither am I" Logan looked him in the eyes as he spoke "I'm a divorced man who's loved you for twenty one years" He kneeled down as Patton gasped. "I can't conceal it, don't you see? can't you feel it?" Patton's friends sighed dreamily

"Say I do.... I do I do I do I do I do...." Logan added

"Donnie let's try it. You love me, can't deny it" Patton knew his pulse was racing and his eyes were dilated even as his friends sighed again

"Say I do..." His voice cracked

"I do..." He pulled Logan to his feet into a kiss "I do I do I do!"  The priest laughed

"Then I now pronounce you man and husband"

"Cut!" They left the set as Logan pulled Patton to one side and kissed him, moving to his boyfriend's ear to whisper jokingly 

"Say I do..." He leaned back and kneeled down to pull out a box with a shining three stone sapphire ring. "Will you?" Patton stared and dropped down in front of him to kiss him, pulling back to smile

"I do..."  The ring was a perfect fit.

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