Found Part 2

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"Put it back" Patton jumped at the sight of Roman Krueger looking at him. He jumped down to reiterate "I saw you stealing my dream catcher. Put it back." He moved forward trying to snatch it back "Put it back before i get you sent to your lamp!" Patton gave it up before lunging past him and yelling 

"LYDIA!" Lydia flew upstairs and crossed her arms as she landed

"Roman do I need to confiscate your claws?" The eleven year old scowled and hid them from sight as she turned to the ten year old Patton "Why were you stealing again?"

"Logan was having nightmares last night. I wanted to help"

"So you stole it for Baby?" Patton nodded just as the five year old Logan woke in the next room

"DOGGIE!" Patton ran to him, glaring at Ophelia when she transformed back into a girl.

"What? My father's friends were never scared." She laughed at the shaking five year old and left with wolf speed. Ophelia Greyback was so dead next time Patton saw her. He turned back to Logan to soothe him

"Shhh it's ok. It's just Ophelia Baby. It's only Lia" By Lia's scream he guessed Virgil had found out about her prank on Logan. Patton sighed and pulled him out of bed, using his inherited powers to upgrade their room a bit. Patton and Logan shared a room with Thomas and Virgil. Virgil slept above Logan and Thomas below Patton so he could see the baby of the group clearly if he woke up at night. Logan giggled and fell back on the now fur bed throw so Patton made red mist dance in front of him.

"Ooooh..." Patton laughed at his antics and turned the mist into figures. Soon miniature cats were rubbing against Logan's arms and purring for him. Patton played out little scenes with mist figures as Logan watched fascinated.

"See this is you... and this is me" He brought the two figures closer and made them move together "We'll never separate" He promised "I've got your back" Logan paused

"Wha about my front?" Patton giggled at him and grinned

"That too"

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