Found part3

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Logan looked down from the tree he was holding onto, shaking like the leaves around him as Patton shooed it away.

"Logan it's ok, you can come down now kiddo" He climbed down uncertainly to follow Patton back to his classes. Patton had started secondary school three years ago when Logan was seven, now that he was ten Patton was in his third year and had nine subjects a day four days a week seeing as he received Lydia's permission to take Fridays off to study astronomy after his animal psychology classes. He always took Logan with him since he adored the stars.

"Logan it was only doing it because it's never met you and it's curious" The dog sniffed around them to prove his point. Ophelia called from the door with tears staining her face.

"What's wrong?" She choked out a sob 

"Lydia! She was flying over Gaston's bar and..." No. Please no! "He shot her"

Lydia had been dressed in five shades of black with white topaz jewels on the neck and sleeves of her dress and a satin ribbon over her wound. She was still on the bed now, lying there serenely as if she was pretending to sleep and would attack Logan with tickles any minute now. He slid his flower into the bouquet under her hands. She wasn't holding it. Logan felt the tears roll down his face and cried onto Patton's side while Ophelia cried on his shoulder, an ugly crying that meant she wasn't faking it for once. No one was. Patton soothed him as Logan shook with the tears.

"Shhh. I've got you Lo" He looked outside at where a new star would be and bit his lip to stay strong "I've got your back" 

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