Districts part1

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"Thomas Sanders!" Wait what? No!

"I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!" I walked up after motioning to Jon to hold him back.

"No! Patton no please! PATTON!" I blinked back tears as I joined Valerie on the stage. We joined the others who'd been chosen for the games. The hovercraft lounge was exquisite but we barely noticed. The Careers stayed away from us so they mingled separately. There was a ring of them. Two were crying silently while the district 9 boy was shrinking into himself. Another guy was standing with the girl from his district next to the windows. Then there was him. Comforting the two crying, with dorky glasses and ridiculous braces that looked so cute I didn't want to know him. 

"Why're they crying?" The district 9 boy asked before I could.

"They were picked as male and female." Cute Nerd explained "Talyn and Joan are non binary" I walked over before Goth Boy could say anything after snorting.

"As if the Capitol care about that." Too late. "D'you really need them to anyway?" He answered before I could ask "It's Virgil, and I know what you assumed. I saw your face." He walked away so Cute Nerd spoke up

"He's upset."

"Aren't we all?" That got me a weak smile and advice from Raven Waves and Princey.

"Just leave him. I think he's holding something back" Princey nodded

"Look at the sorrow in his eyes" Raven Waves sighed and shook my hand 

"Missandra, but call me Missy"

"And I'm Roman" I shook his hand as Cute Nerd stepped in

"I'm Logan" Alliances already. I might survive.

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