Crown for a King part3

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Logaine watched her soon to be husband deal with a debate between two tribe members unsuccessfully.

"Ares nade olan rathede!"

"Ares Khaleesiarai! Arestath nade rathede!" Pahton cut in to the debate between the two.

"Ares Khaleesieret, jaderrat es" The first one glared

"Arestath Khaleesiarai vaz" Pahton looked towards him dangerously 

"Areskenne lied gerles" Logaine looked at Virgaelle 

"What were they saying?" Virgaelle pointed to each arguer while explaining 

"He said you are a pale witch, and that other replied you are their Khaleesi and that you are not a witch" 

"What did Pahton say to them?"

"He told them both that you are their Khaleesi and they will obey you. That one said you are not their Khaleesi yet"

"What was Pahton's reply?"

"That you will be when you choose to be" Logaine frowned nervously

"What if I never do?" Otherys cut in, towering over them 

"You will let a thousand men rape you one by one if I am to sit on the Iron Throne"

"I will not let one man touch me"

"You will or it will be a red dress hanging there!" At the tone of their voices Pahton got up, walking over to Logaine and her brother.

"Hatheras es?" Virgaelle translated

"He asks if you are bothering her" Logaine answered

"He is" 

"Arjer" Pahton gripped Otherys by his belt and pushed him out so he landed in the dirt before holding Logaine's shoulders to check her over. Satisfied she was fine he walked back to the central chair in the room.

"Virgaelle, you are fluent in the tribal language" Logaine turned to her "Teach me" Virgaelle nodded so Logaine smiled. Then she joined her Khal friend.

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