My heart

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inspired by Prplzorua's Quiet from Requestshots





joyless geek

They circled his head like vultures while he tried to think 'Kids can be cruel'. Kids can be right.

"Logic. Logic please let me in. Don't make me call Dad!" Empathy's voice interrupted

"Clarity have you seen Prince? I need his help sewing a few new links into my mind temporarily"

"What're you going to do?"

"They mess with Logan i'll mess with them" Clarity hesitated

"Should i even ask?"


"Ok then. i think Prince is in Anxiety's room." Empathy walked off as she turned her attention back to Logic "Logan please let me in!" She waited "All right you give me no choice! Moral - !" She was cut off by a scream and Empathy running to the door rattling it desperately

"Dad help! HELP!" Morality ran to them

"What's wrong Kiddo?"

"More must've happened than we know, I just felt Logan's link he's thinking of suicide!" Morality went pale

"Stand back" He rammed into the door and broke it down, running to Logic "Logan honey look at me, look at me their words don't matter! they don't matter because they're not true! you're not heartless you've never been cold and you could never be anything but perfect! darling please! please look at me and believe me!" Logic stayed limp as Empathy spoke

"He's in overdrive, we can only bring him out one way. Logic look, we wouldn't love someone heartless, and we love you! we need you! you're the dumbest trait on earth if you think we don't completely adore you!" She panicked "If we don't bring him back soon he'll go into a coma!" Morality kissed his cheek and whispered

"Logie while you're thinking just know this. I adore you. I love you and i need you so much! you're my oxygen Logie i - i can't live without you!  i can't live without you, you pump blood through my circulatory system!" He started to break down as a whisper left Logic's lips which were trembling 

"That's the most romantic thing anybody's ever told me..." Morality threw his arms around him

"Logie! i was so scared!" Logic had joy tears in his eyes

"Did you really mean it Ral?" Morality kissed him

"Of course i did! i love you Logan" Logic threw himself forward and caught Morality's lips, deepening the kiss as Empathy and Clarity looked on.

"What did he call him?" Clarity smiled gently

"He pumps blood around his circulatory system..." She explained softly "His heart"

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