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"Who else is here?"

"Um... let's see..." Patricia looked through her list as Patton waited. "Ro and Virge but they've hooked up so they'll stick with each other.  Clarity, Thomas, and Logan might be coming as well" She grinned when her brother leaned forward. "You're less subtle than a torch in the face!" She went upstairs to pick a suit for him. At least Logan might come.

or not.

"Hey Patt! Patty! Oh she hasn't seen me" Wow. Get this girl's name. NOW.

"Oh Patton, this is Lola she's just moved back here" Lola had obsidian black hair fading into taupe with midnight ends. She wore seven inch peep toe heels with sexy sky blue fishnet tights to match her eyes.

"Patton already knows me" Lola giggled so he frowned

"Wait what?"

"Mother hen Lo?" Patton stared before someone else said it for him.


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