Singing Traps

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"I can't believe what I'm seeing, did someone drug me?"

"It's real! The fanders are going to love this!" Patton snapped a picture of the kissing Prinxiety before leading Logan away to watch a movie.

"You will respect their privacy won't you?"

"Already posted it" Logan grinned, the thin wire he wore inside the mind showing faintly against his teeth, making him endearingly awkward when he noticed it in the mirror, turning away to hide it. "Logan kiddo, don't hide it." He turned back with a shy smile

"Ok"  He always listened to Patton for whatever reason.

"What d'you want to watch?" 

"Hmm. Surprise me" So much trust! Patton put it on and covered his friend's eyes, whispering in his ear

"Tale as old as time..." Logan played along 

"Song as old as rhyme" He wasn't a great singer but it was nice to sing anyway, he didn't know why. Patton checked in on the other two

"They've moved to another room" Logan's eyes widened.

"That escalated quickly" He went silent to watch the film as Patton looked at him occasionally, watching him concentrate adorably hard. Wait? Adorably? Oh no...

Three days later

Patton stared at the wall with Anxiety by his side.

"Picture it Virgil. I'd hold him tight and kiss him whenever i wanted to... but I just can't tell him! I shut down every time I try!" Anxiety sighed

"God it's annoying to see you Patton

Acting so down in the dumps.

Your heart flutters when you see him Patton

Tell you how to say as much

So if you really admire him so much

Just go ahead meet his eyes" Logan sighed in the next room

"Even if I long to feel his touch

How can I explain why?" Roman cut in

"No one's 

A friend like Patton

Can defend like Patton"

"No one's driving me around the bend like Patton!

For there's nothing I want more to say

Than how much I admire him" Patton explained to Virgil

"But since i'm not really that brave

I guess i'll hide..." Logan finished in the second room

"My feelings inside" Roman pulled him up as Virgil lead Patton towards the doorway

"Like a hunter you'll see that he'll shiver

Careful not to scare your find

When you feel him starting to quiver..." They pushed them into each other "Embrace him and you're fine!"

"That's not fair!" Roman high fives his boyfriend 

"We don't care" They left Logan and Patton close together, breathing quickly from shock of being pushed together.

"Wait, if we were both convinced into this then we must have both been singing" They asked simultaneously 

"You love me?" Patton leaned forward and kissed him gently

"Does that answer?" Logan smiled

"I need more data if you don't mind answering again" Patton just grinned and obliged

"Is that enough data?" Logan pulled him back forward for another kiss

"I didn't give you mine" Then he did.

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