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This had deteriorated quickly. Why did he drag Morality with him?

"You can't win every time, can you... Prince? You have nothing to go back to. nothing needs you" Another stab and his vision swam, memories flashing before his eyes. 

Morality clutched his wound as the witch spoke yet he couldn't hear her until she bent next to him

"Give in to oblivion now... you've got nothing anyway. no one will think twice about either of you. you'll be replaced. give in and die!" She drew out his memories "Look at all these people who don't care! you honestly think they'd mourn you? A goth who's embarrassed by your existence, a host you can't help... and who's this? A four eyed robot who - " She froze at the sight of the memories. Logan laughing, talking and smiling... and then...

"Your eyes are dilated kiddo" Logic breathed quickly

"My pulse is racing as well." Morality frowned

"As well?" 

"I can feel yours... my judgement's clouded"

"My chest is tight" Morality had reached out a hand to cup his cheek "Our glasses are steaming up" Logic had smiled slightly

"Were we always this close to each other?" 

"D'you mind it?"

"No..." their lips had connected perfectly, moving gently with the kiss when they parted only to lock back together again until they broke off, speaking in unison

"I love you"

Prince watched his memories play out until

"Princey, I - I love y-" Their first kiss. their eyes had closed in bliss until they broke off.

"Your hair." A mortified pause then Anxiety had laughed "Your face! you honestly fell for it! i love YOU you royal dork!" Prince had kissed him again

"You emo  angel"

Morality and Prince both leapt up, driving the witch back they pointed at the memories.

"You wanted our motive to get home? they are our motive!"

later Anxiety and Logic kissed their boyfriends gently, pulling back to whisper

"And you're mine"

Logicality OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now